“The world’s asleep,’ Moomintroll thought. ‘It’s only I who am awake and sleepless. It’s only I who have to wander and wander, day after day and week upon week, until I too become a snowdrift that no one will even know about.”

i used to heavily dislike winter. where i live, it is without exception unbearably dark and painfully cold.

the sun does still show itself - as long as you're not someone who works 9 to 5 and spends most of the day indoors. this is why, as a child, i did not have such a hatred for the season as i developed in my teenage years. i fondly - but barely, and faintly - remember our kindergarten trips to the nearby forest. playing on little hills, skiing, skating...

i think a lot of my dislike for the season came from the dark and cold - but also everyone else's hatred for the season. it gets lonely. how am i meant to enjoy myself if everyone else is miserable?

media i associate with the season:
novel: tove jansson - moominland midwinter