someone forgot to lock this journal...

return home?

this website has sat without major changes for a while. i guess i never really figured out what i wanted to use this website for. not necessarily time for long blog posts or essays, nor really an interest in in-depth journaling about my personal life... i'll give it time.

i think i figured out how to use css! very delighted :-)

i love playing around with the code! i'm sure as i improve i will eventually become frustrated with how messily i've thrown everything around... but at least it looks personalised! i have to understand this is pretty much my first time really doing and trying to understand html, so i'm very behind on many of the people whose sites i look to for inspiration and help in general.

28/2/2024 test post / thoughts
this reminds me of my childhood, trying to manage a site on suntuubi... so far i'm loving how customisable and personal everything feels on here. not even FEELS, but IS!
i'm still not sure whether i ever want to share this... what is this, website? blog? me in a digital form? with anyone i know in my personal life. i seem to have a habit of letting people in and then attempting to shut them out completely if i get hurt. and talking about personal stuff like i am now doesn't really come that naturally to me. maybe i could even have two sites..? is this just me letting myself isolate myself or hide parts of me again? i don't know, i really don't. or do i? what am i doing?
i'd love for my blog posts to be more organised in the future, this is just for thought dumping and testing out how html works and all.